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The Golswella Pen

The Golswella [goal-swell-ah] Pen was a dagger used to kill Princess Luticia at the end of the Frectucious War (326-335 AD). The weapon originated in Southern Slur under the reign of Queen Elma (400-433 BC) to aid in resistance in the Second Slurvian War (see Second Slurvian War).

Although never persecuted, many history books portray Leilando, The Courageous (301-365, Luticia’s second cousin, as the murderer. This belief stems from two reasons: Leilando spent his early adult life in Slur studying the cultures and customs of its people, and he was convinced Princess Luticia had a hidden agenda of destroying all those who did not follow her rule (the Slurvians falling into this category). Today, some historians believe Leilando was mentally unstable, which ultimately lead to him killing the Princess.

The name Golswella stems from the Slurvian word Golswa meaning “greatness”. With spirituality being a central value in Slurvian culture, the indigenous people believed that only those that partook in arts and academics could achieve real greatness (see Slurvian religion).

The Pen was 40 cm. in length (16 inches) and weighed approx. 13 kilograms (27.5 lbs.). With specific gravity of 15.3, it is 15.3 times heavier than water.

The grip was carved out of yule marble which was etched with rose gold; it had four grooves along one side of handle for better control. The central axis line was wrapped in silver and embellished by gemstones. The blade was double edged and made of steel.

After the death of Princess Luticia, the Golswella Pen was looted and sold to a collector. The weapon was eventually donated to Bohomii Museum (see Bohomii Museam) where it is on display.

Natalie Kirkland

