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Stanford Graduate Sets New Standard

                June 23rd, 3023 saw the largest graduating class from Stanford University Medical School. Among the graduates one in particular stood out. Atticus, an eight year old, Afghan Hound, graduated at the top of his class with outstanding grades. That's right. A dog graduated at the top of his Stanford Medical School class.

                It was not until Dr. Pavlo created a device which was able translate a dog's thoughts into human speech, projected on a paired television that communicating with animals was even possible. In fact, according to Dr. Palvo in his article Don't Ask Me How It Works, " one is more surprised than I am that a canine lupus familiaris could make it into and graduate from Stanford University, especially not at the top of his class," (pg. 2).

                Dr. Pavlo selected Atticus as the first candidate for the device after finding him at the local country fair. The doctor was visiting his family in Gilroy when he discovered the dog responding to basic math problems with barks. Owner Kim Park was thrilled to be a part of the new study. He stated, "I never knew my dog was capable of this and I'm so excited to know the future of all animal-human relationships will be enhanced because of my dog."

New School of Dog Training

                Once Atticus officially took his degree investors from all over the world phoned Dr. Pavlo and Stanford University and offered their support. With the success of his first specimen Dr. Pavlo plans to open a school that will take only the brightest dogs from all corners of the world and enroll them in the same training program Atticus completed. The data from each dog will be used to improve the program.

                As of August 18th, 3023 Dr. Pavlo and his team of research graduate students have accepted a grant offered by the Federal Government and received words of praise and encouragement from President Cornell Linnaeus in an official public address to the U.S. "One small step for Atticus, one big leap for dogkind," as written in President Cornell's official announcement (3023, p. 1).

Hollywood Supports Education

                News of Atticus's graduation at the top of his class sparked Hollywood stars' interests in education. Record charitable donation amounts have been sent into Stanford to support the dog school program. Additionally, applications with photos of celebrity dogs, and one cat, have been submitted. Star couple Bradly Bitt and Argentina Molie have adopted a dozen shelter dogs and are preparing them for entry into the program. Dr. Pavlo reassures the couple's celebrity status and financial contribution had no influence in regards to the acceptance of their dogs.


Pavlo, K. (3021). Don't Ask Me How It Works. Palo Alto, CA: Wordsworth.

Linnaeus, C. (3023). One Small Step. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Daniel H. Ngov

Samantha Pereira
